
This is the current list of available filters:

   To upper case.
   To lower case.
   First character to upper case.
   Convert to DOS format.
   Convert to UNIX format.
   Convert spaces into tabulation.
   Convert tabulation into spaces.
   Remove characters from beginning.
   Remove characters from the end.
   Remove characters before position.
   Remove characters after position.
   Remove characters between positions.
   Remove spaces from beginning.
   Remove spaces from the end.
   Remove spaces from extremities.
   Remove characters before parameter.
   Remove characters after parameter.
   Leave only numbers.
   Collapse spaces.
   Copy the content
   Search for similar lines.
   Add parameter to the beginning of the lines.
   Add parameter to the end of the lines.
   Add parameter to a position.
   Enumerate lines.
   Remove duplicated lines.
   Eliminate all duplicated lines.
   Remove all non-duplicated lines.
   Remove empty lines.
   Remove lines with parameter.
   Remove lines without parameter.
   Content replacement.
   Replace and Rename.
   Replace using Java regular expression.
   Replicate lines.
   Sort in ascendant order.
   Sort in descendant order.
   Sort in ascendant order after position.
   Sort in descendant order after position.
   Shuffle the lines.
   Combine all lines.
   Preserve lines on a regular step.
   Remove lines that exist on both inputs.
   Combine Auxiliar with Main input.
   Show duplicated consecutive words.
   Search files.
   Random data generator.
   Directory tree.
   File list.

   Content key to Java constant.
   Text to Java method.
   Generate POJO.
   Split message into fields.
   Combine fields to message.
   Format XML.
   Execute AWK Script 1.
   Execute AWK Script 2.
   Execute AWK Script 3.
   Start task.
   Stop task.
   Calculate total.
   Progress chart.
   Time distribution chart.
   Character selection.
   Word selection.
   Word selection to table.
   Intercalate Main Input with Auxiliar.
   Move characters freely.
   Multiple copy Auxiliar into Main Input.
   Download only text.
   Simple content found alert.
   Convert hour from AM/PM to 24h format.
   Convert hour from AM/PM to 24h format.
   Replace multiple contents.
   Delete files.
   Append files.
   Sort by length in ascendant order.
   Delete directories.
   Swap content based on parameter.
   Remove lines with multiple parameters.
   Remove lines without multiple parameters.
   Insert Auxiliar into Main.
   Remove lines with parameter.
   Knapsack problem.
   Knapsack problem file list.
   Break lines on a specific length.
   Add parameter before parameter.
   Add parameter after parameter.
   Text with numbers.
   Text with errors.
   Convert to Morse code.
   Convert character on position.
   Keep only valid characters.
   Remove lines that exist on both inputs.
   Remove characters between parameters.
   Remove characters outside parameters.
   JSP Formatter.
   Calculate MD5.